Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Biggest Sandwich in the World !

When I lived in France, a couchsurfer told me, nay, enlightened me regarding the existence of Earth Sandwiches.  An Earth Sandwich is when you place a slice of bread face down on the ground.  Then someone else closes this open-faced sandwich by placing another slice directly opposite you on the globe.

Needless to say, I immediately tried to make a sandwich in France.  Fortunately, it was possible to make a sandwich from very near to Montpellier.  Unfortunately, the only piece of land opposite my corner of France was a small cold island far far east of New Zealand in the South Pacific called Chatham Island, pop. very few.  They never responded to my messages...

But I'm on a new continent and that means new bread and new antipodes.  In Venezuela and Colombia, there are large swaths of territory antipodal to islands in Indonesia.  That's a bingo !  And moreover, one city in Colombia (Neiva) is directly opposite Palembang on the island of Sumatra.  If I can't find any sandwich makers there, I'll have plenty of chances as we descend the Andean countries : they roughly correspond to a line of countries in Asia including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and China.

So if you're in the neighborhood, let's have a picnic !

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